We decided to get season passes during the month of October, since they were cheap enough. We have been going to Frontier City every weekend since. It can be very tiresome on some ol' foggies like us.
Our kids run circles around us there. They are also "fearless" and will ride anything that moves. Which has put us in difficult positions when we have to ride with them. I'm in not way "fearless"....in fact I'm scared of pretty much everything.
I will post some pics and videos we took while we were there. Just to show everyone how much fun we really had. Today is Sunday and we decided to take a break for one day. All that walking is killing me and Josh.
Well....stay posted for some pics and videos of Frontier City Trips.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Josh's Band In the "Edmond Outlook" Magazine

Josh's band "Arise the Fall" was featured this month (October 2009) in the Edmond Outlook Magazine. Thanks for Reyna since she was the one who put it all together. It makes it nice to know someone
that actually puts the magazine together. Reyna setup a photo shoot for the band so that they could have some cool pics in their one page get up in the Edmond Outlook.
Arise the Fall decided to have their photo shoot done at Martin's Nature Park. It made for beautiful pictures.
Thanks again Reyna for pulling the strings and setting it all up for those guys!!! :-)
Thanks again Reyna for pulling the strings and setting it all up for those guys!!! :-)

October 2009
Rest In Peace....Aunt Willa
My Great Aunt Willa Pearce died in August of 2009. She was the person I lived with when I first moved to Oklahoma from Texas at the ripe age of 12. She has been there for me during all my major milestones from then on. Towards the last year of her life I was her "maid". I did all of her cleaning and laundry. I lost touch for a while and then found out that she was no longer living in her own home. She was moved into assisted living housing. So for the last year of her life I didn't see her much. I grew more distant when she moved. I never did go see her and I should have.
She had a beautiful funeral and it was on a beautiful day. I know she is in God's hands now.
She had a beautiful funeral and it was on a beautiful day. I know she is in God's hands now.
Kaylie attended MHS Cheer Clinic 2009
This was Kaylie's second year attending the Moore High school Cheer Clinic 2009. She performed at halftime with the other cheerleaders and it was great to watch. She was so excited to perform in front of all those people.
As you can tell by the pictures she really enjoyed herself. There were so many little girls that particpated and really enjoyed performing with the big girls.
I made sure I practiced with Kaylie so she would remember the routine at halftime. The clinic was September 21st, 22nd, and 24th. On September 24th is when they performed their cute little routine. They only practiced it for two days which was Sept. 21st and 22nd.
After the last practice we saw how much Kaylie enjoyed being a cheerleader and so we went ahead and signed her up with Tribe Cheer. This will give her the upper hand since she wants to be a cheerleader when she grows up....LOL :-)
(Taylor, Kaylie, Justin, and The Moore Lion Mascot)
September 24th, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Sunday, September 02, 2007
I am so excited we finally got a new car. Well we got an SUV. Our little red one went capput (sp?) this past week so we traded it in. We are so happy we got what we wanted. It is a Black Ford Explorer. It is fully loaded with leather, sunroof, 6 cd changer, and many more percs. I need to go outside and take a pic of it and post it here for all to see. We are so proud of it. It has that new car smell....I just love that! We are definately movin on up in life. I blame all that on the good Lord above! We have been praying more and more each day to lead us in a direction in life we needed to go. I felt we were sinking into a life we wouldn't enjoy. So by praying all day everyday has gotten us in the right direction. It feels so nice!
Friday, August 31, 2007
Music Life
We traded in the music life just about and turned into a bunch of ol' foggies. Can you believe it? We now live the normal life....I say normal but we will never be normal. It is as normal as we get. Josh no longer plays with Fist Of Five. There were some differences and they decided to part ways with Josh. I think it was a great move in our lives for the simple fact that now we have all our kids in school and Josh is working fulltime with me. Don't get me wrong Josh still plays music and jams but he really isn't as serious as he was with Fist Of Five. I think it was heart break for him. He felt they were going places with their music and he was fired up to get there with them. He was taken by surprise with the break up but made best out of the situation. I am proud of him!
Josh got a J-O-B !
I can't believe it he is going to work fulltime at my work. He will be a cnc machinist. His first day is Wednesday. After 7 years of being a stay at home dad I am shocked he finally decided to work fulltime. I understand why he hasn't all these years but since Kaylie is so gung ho about going to school this year it made it easier for Josh to get one. I will be able to see him all day. I'm not sure that is a good thing but just glad that our lives have just gotten easier.
Kaylie Starts School!!!
Kaylie starts school next week at Moore Christian Academy. She is so excited to finally have the chance to learn and interact with other kids. I am excited for her. I got her some school clothes and she already has an outfit ready to wear her first day of school. I will put a pic up on her first day so you guys can see how cute she is.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Lazer Tag Night
Josh and the boys have made it a ritual now...I think. They go on every other friday night at about 10pm to Lazer Tag. They have the tough man round that lasts 30 minutes for only 5 bucks a person. It's a quick 30 minutes of enjoyment for the guys. Kaylie and I just do girlie stuff. We got our nails done. I am glad Josh is doing those things for the boys. They will totally remember it later in life.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Back from Vacation
We left early Friday morning and ate a wonderful breakfast at Sunset Cafe in Blanco. We headed for Sea World after that. We all rode rides...which I was shocked that they had so many roller coasters at Sea World.
We saw Shamu and sat in the splash zone. I was kind of scared of that...the water was 53 degrees. After sweating our butts off we thought it was a good idea but after the first splash we quickly changed our minds. We stayed in the splash zone but was seriously drenched by the time we walked out of there. We were there for about 5 hours when it started raining buckets. We walked around in the pouring rain with no umbrella, poncho, or towel...the kids thought we were nuts. We didn't really want to leave just yet since we had so much more to see. It turned out that they were giving out rain checks. So....we got one! Before we left we had to have souvenirs. We got the boys pouka (sp) shell necklaces and Kaylie got a shamu hat since she was calling shamu "her whale".
We left early Saturday morning and headed for the Alamo/River Walk. We had such a hard time finding a parking spot. Once we got on the Alamo grounds we were in awe with how beautiful that place is. We got some great pics. We got some really nice coins for the boys from the Alamo. Taylor is so proud of his. He has wanted to go to the Alamo for so long. We walked across the street to the riverwalk. We walked all over and stopped and got some drinks. It's awesome when you can walk all over the riverwalk with beer. So not used to that. We we finished up there we headed back to Sea World to finish what we didn't get to the first day. We stayed for about 6 hours (until they closed)!
Next we hit the big Quarry Market 16 to take the kiddos to see "Transformers"....it was an awesome movie...by the time we got home it was 3 AM and had to get up the next day to head home...so sad!
Sunday we left for home and we were all glad we got the time to go on vacation and spend it together as a family. We needed it bad. We were all exhausted but decided to stop at my mom and dad's in Ardmore for a bit of rest before we hit the last hour and a half home. My mom and dad took us out to dinner and we left for home!
All I know is that next year we will go to another great place and enjoy the time we get to spend as family...
4th of July 2007
We had an awesome 4th. We took the kids the day before the 4th and spent about $150 bucks on some sweet fireworks. We hung out all day with Sarah, Aaron, Layla, and Korben and swam. Well Sarah and I laid out to get some sun. Once the sun went down we were prepared for the best show in our very own backyard.
I have some pics to add to this post...I just need to do it from my laptop rather than my home pc.
I have some pics to add to this post...I just need to do it from my laptop rather than my home pc.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Finally going on vacation!

Friday, June 22, 2007
Hello Christina...HI, How are ya, how ya doin'
Since you are the only one that actually reads my bullshit and comments I thought I would just say...
I know you are reading all these and I am just waiting for the comments from ya?
I figure you will freak out because of all the blogging I have done today. I'm just bored so I had a chance to mention a few things but I have so much more shit to add.
I hope all is going well with the Manning Family
I know you are reading all these and I am just waiting for the comments from ya?
I figure you will freak out because of all the blogging I have done today. I'm just bored so I had a chance to mention a few things but I have so much more shit to add.
I hope all is going well with the Manning Family
That is exactly what I am NOT doing right now. It is Friday and I have the itch to go home like hours ago. Soooo...Im online blogging! It's the best I could do. Well I could actually work but that's kind of boring on Friday's.
My New Friend...
This is just a blog about my friend Sara. I say she is my new friend but I have known her for years through another friend (Brandon). I never really hung out with her or even talked to her and I couldn't tell you why. Well the past 6 months our paths crossed with joining Broken Angels together. We got to know each other more and more. I quit the Broken Angels about 2 months ago and remained friends with Sara. We talk every single day and if she doesn't hear from me then she calls me a hooker.... :-) I didn't think I could hang with other chics since I am such a bitch. Well it turns out she is just like I am so it works out great. We are both bitches together. It makes great conversation...LOL I have posted her picture below so that you can put a face with the name. She is married and has two kiddos. She sucks cuz she's skinny!!!!!

okay so she will probably kill me for using this pic of her.
Mid-life Crisis
I think I am going through a mid-life crisis...yeah...yeah..don't laugh. I'm probably just freaking out but I have done things the past few months that aren't really normal for me. I can only say normal because of what I am normally like...didn't want to confuse anyone to think I am calling myself normal. (not by any means!) I can't say that it is a bad thing. I have always been such a fuddy duddy in the past. I was labeled MRS. RESPONSIBILITY...gosh I hate that! I think now I am finally chilling out. Being so uptight all these years can really make a person boring. I didn't know how boring I was until I changed or should I say "had my mid-life crisis". I know...I know...I'm not making sense. It all makes sense to me so take from it what you can.
We finally got our pool up about 3 weeks ago. It has been very cold from all the rain. I think we have only had one full week of sunshine to even start warming the pool. ohhhh...the chore of putting one of those up. It took 8 hours and $100 worth of water. It's really worth it. My kiddos have enjoyed it rain or shine. We had to buy the tikis too so the kids really like the idea of swimming at night. Well...only if mom and dad are outside with 'em.
I will have to edit this post and put a picture of our backyard now. It has changed so much after moving the big wooden clubhouse/swingset over by the fence rather than being smack in the middle of our back yard.
Can't forget all the yummy burgers! We have more hamburgers now than ever before. I like it that way...I don't have to cook! That is always a bonus in my book.
I will have to edit this post and put a picture of our backyard now. It has changed so much after moving the big wooden clubhouse/swingset over by the fence rather than being smack in the middle of our back yard.
Can't forget all the yummy burgers! We have more hamburgers now than ever before. I like it that way...I don't have to cook! That is always a bonus in my book.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
A Lot Going On!
Well....I have been pretty busy....for me! We have had some trouble with Taylor and his school work this year. So we got him into counseling one night a week with a wonderful counselor. Since he has done poorly in 4 subjects we were able to sign him up for tutoring at the Junior high twice a week. We also received the results of his Connor's test and next week he gets to see the doc to find out if he has ADD or not. Just counseling alone I have notice a big difference in Taylor's attitude which makes things really nice. He is currently in boyscouts one night a week along with his brother. We have just signed them both up for baseball this year. So it looks like I will have no time for me....."sigh"......but that's ok as long as my kids do well that is all that matters. Well hopefully in the end of all of the madness I hope Taylor doesn't have ADD and things start going his way in school. I need to pray for him....If anyone else would like to say a prayer for Taylor and the things that get in his way of excelling in school....then please do I would appreciate it!
I will try to post more often. I don't usually have a chance to get on the computer with all the chaos.
I will try to post more often. I don't usually have a chance to get on the computer with all the chaos.
My Hubby

Awww...isn't he sweet?...Well this pic was taken at the "Fist Of Five" photoshoot about a month ago. This is my favorite of him. I just thought I would share that lil tid bit of info. Since Christina is hounding me to blog.
I am waiting for my mom to send me the pics that she has. I would like to post those. It's of Kaylie's birthday and mine...
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Sunday, September 24, 2006
My Boys are now in "Boy Scouts"

They have enjoyed going every Monday night. Last week they received their space derby's to make at home. On Oct 9th they will be racing them against each other. I think it will be a bunch of fun. My friend Jennifer and her two boys are in boy scouts too so it's really nice to have her there with me at the meetings.
They will be attending camp at "Camp St. George" Oct. 20-22nd with their dad and pawpaw Scott. We are working on getting the tent and other things needed for this trip. They are very excited (especially dad).
I am hoping this will give the boys a chance to hang with their dad since he has been so busy with his music.
My Brother is turning 36...OMG!
Man my brother is getting old. On September 26th he will officially be old. He is turning 36 and it is just hard for me to imagine. He has just recently opened a new neon shop in Downtown Oklahoma City. It is just down the street from the Ford center. Since it is just down the street from my work. I occasionally stop by during lunch just to hang out.

My Mom's 56th Birthday has come and gone...

My mom had her birthday September 16th and we went out to eat at Chili's with her. My brother and his family came as well. Unfortunately, my dad was not able to be there. He has been in New Mexico the last two weeks with his sister who is dying of brain cancer. She is my favorite aunt and has always been growing up. She made the best damn chocolate milk!!! Other than that we tried to make my mom's birthday pretty unforgettable...
I mean...really when was the last time she went out to eat with her kids and their kids....uh, probably atleast never....so anyway, she really enjoyed it. It even brought her to tears. I loved it too because Chili's rocks the mostest.
This picture of my mom and dad was taken last year or the year before. I just can't find a recent pic since I have about a million on my computer. I will update once I find one.
I have been so bad lately with blogging :-(
I am hoping to return to blogging more and more each day. I have just had a pretty busy day with the usual and everyone getting haircuts. It's just about bath time for all the kiddos.
I am really excited about Josh's cd release party coming up. It will be in bricktown September 29th at the bricktown ballroom. Tickets are $10.My boys will be going to finally see their dad play live. They are just as excited as I am. Here is what the tickets look like. Thanks to James and all his hard work. He's a graphic artist and also the bass player of Fist Of Five.
I am really excited about Josh's cd release party coming up. It will be in bricktown September 29th at the bricktown ballroom. Tickets are $10.My boys will be going to finally see their dad play live. They are just as excited as I am. Here is what the tickets look like. Thanks to James and all his hard work. He's a graphic artist and also the bass player of Fist Of Five.

Sunday, June 04, 2006
Easter 2006
...Taylor looking so grown up, atleast he still participates in finding eggs...
...Justin and his big cheesy smile on Easter...
...Kaylie counting how many eggs she found...
My mom and dad came over for Easter this year since Taylor's 9th Birthday fell on that day. What made it even better is that Josh's mom got to be here too...
...Here's a pic of the girls...

As you can tell by the pics we didn't have a real big fancy easter.
Mother-In-Law in Town (April 10th-24th)
Mother's Day 2006
This Mother's Day was a great Mother's Day for me....I was out in the garage smoking when they were calling me to come in. When I came in they were all standing in front of me with their hands behind their backs...Taylor hands me this card he made at school that just about made me cry when I read it. Then Kaylie holds out her hand and the ring they got me fell off her finger. I got this beautiful ring and my 2 year old daughter had it on her finger and said "Happy Birthday mom" I laughed so hard because it was too cute....My middle son Justin handed me this book he made for me at school. It talks about all the things he loves about me. It's amazing what kids remember and seeing what he loves about me just makes that gift the best thing he could ever get me....and then there is my wonderful husband Josh...he handed me two dozen roses. I was in awstruck from all the attention....maybe from the lack of that kind of attention I was just shocked. Later that day we had dinner at applebee's as a family and believe it or not the kiddos were alright in public....WHO KNEW!....LOL Well anyway, this is a close to a perfect Mother's Day for me.....
10 Year Wedding Anniversary

Well it is now 11:45pm and my husband and I just enjoyed a great 10 year anniversary. We made a dinner for two at home. It was a candle lit dinner with wine and all the works...it was wonderful. Of course, the three kiddos were sent outside to play while we enjoyed our 10 minutes of adult dinner time. The things you do when you have kids at home.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Just for Christina
I told you Christina that I would start putting up some old pics of us. Well here's the start....

I think you took this picture of me and my hubby like over 10 years ago. WOW!
Now its your turn...

Aww...isn't she sweet. This picture was taken after quite a bit of tequila. Now you know why she looks so happy.

Just think these pictures are nothing compared to our Texas trip.

I think you took this picture of me and my hubby like over 10 years ago. WOW!
Now its your turn...

Aww...isn't she sweet. This picture was taken after quite a bit of tequila. Now you know why she looks so happy.

Just think these pictures are nothing compared to our Texas trip.
My First Blog
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