Thursday, February 22, 2007

A Lot Going On!

Well....I have been pretty busy....for me! We have had some trouble with Taylor and his school work this year. So we got him into counseling one night a week with a wonderful counselor. Since he has done poorly in 4 subjects we were able to sign him up for tutoring at the Junior high twice a week. We also received the results of his Connor's test and next week he gets to see the doc to find out if he has ADD or not. Just counseling alone I have notice a big difference in Taylor's attitude which makes things really nice. He is currently in boyscouts one night a week along with his brother. We have just signed them both up for baseball this year. So it looks like I will have no time for me....."sigh"......but that's ok as long as my kids do well that is all that matters. Well hopefully in the end of all of the madness I hope Taylor doesn't have ADD and things start going his way in school. I need to pray for him....If anyone else would like to say a prayer for Taylor and the things that get in his way of excelling in school....then please do I would appreciate it!

I will try to post more often. I don't usually have a chance to get on the computer with all the chaos.


Anonymous said...

Wow, Two posts?!?!
I can totally relate with you. You will have NO time for you with scouts and ball. I have btdt. I hope that Taylor can get things straightened out for him. I know it is tough on them too. I can definitely see it with Tyler.

Anonymous said...

I know you haven't posted in ages, so I tagged you with a blog prompt on my blog! ;)